Be Really Constant


I watched an Oliver Roland’s video  and I learned good stuff.

Sometimes I subscribe to a blog or a Youtube’s channel because I find the content is interesting and bring me value. But, I don’t know why, the creator of the blog or the Youtube’s channel publishes content once a month. It’s frustrating because this creator has a talent but he’s not constant.

Being constant means doing something regularly. More precisely, it’s to do something that works regularly.

What I’ve noticed with people who have a website and use social media to promote their website is that they find something that works, that attract trafic and that’s all. They do this think that works once and they’re happy.

That is not how theses people are going to be successful over the long term. When you find something that works and attract trafic to your website, you have to do it several times. You need to be an expert in this thing that works to perfect it and use it frequently

It’s not a stroke of luck

dice role playing game

For example, you do a fighting sport. During a fight, you find a technique that works. What do you think : « Wow this technique worked, but I’m going to stop using it. I will not use this technique all my life » or « Wow, this technique worked. I will use it in each fight and perfect it to win the most fight possible all my life » ?

I think you’re like me, you want to win the most fight possible all your life but we’re a lot not to do that. I reassure you, before I was like that. When I found something that worked, everybody said : « Bravo » but in my heart I felt it was a stroke of luck and I couldn’t do it again. It was a huge mistake.

There is a really cool tool to see the number of views and subscribers of some social media (Youtube, Twitch, Instagram, Twitter). If you want to do analyzes, social blade  is interesting for that.

Case study

case study

I’ll take the example of Olivier Roland’s Youtube channel. Olivier Roland have a little more than 136,000 subscribers. When he publish a video, he has around 5 %-10 % views compared to his subscribers number (6,800 views-13,600 views).

There are many Youtubers who have more subscribers than Olivier Roland. And when they publish a video, there are 50 %-100 % view compared to their subscribers number. Beware, there 50 %-100 % views weren’t only made by subscribers. Generally on Youtube there are 40 % of views that were by subscribers.

You know that there are Youtubers with more subscribers than Olivier Roland and they make more views than Olivier Roland each time they publish a video. And these Youtubers make fewer views per month than Olivier Roland. Olivier Roland has about 450,000 views – 500,000 views.

There are Youtubers who have 150,000 – 200,000 subscribers and who easily have 50,000 views – 100,000 views when they publish a video but they have 100,000 views – 200,000 views per month. When you look at the monthly figure, you see that it makes about 1/4 of the Olivier Roland’s views.

Do also research with social blade , you’ll have surprises (that is why, now, I learn data science). Why are these monthly figures low ? This is because they don’t make enough videos and they’re not constant. Making a video per month is not enough.

Making a video per month is very bad for trafficking, it’s bad for the community (audience/subscribers). It’s impossible to retain someone and it diminishes the ability to reach more people. The result is that these Youtubers have fewer view of what they might have, It’s a spoiled talent.

All make sense. When there is little content, there is less to watch, less to share and less to critize.

Be regular


Because there is not enough content, the audience (the community) is frustrated and loses interest and confidence in these Youtubers.

Attention, Youtube is just an example. It’s necessary to be constant in all fields. Being constant create something strong and powerful. Olivier Roland published more than 1000 videos and he was able to do this by being constant.

Being constant to create content regularly creates options to explore new topics for the creator. This create a habit or respect to a pat of the audience. And most importantly, create content regularly, create possibilities to be known, to be shared, to be discussed and to have a better impact in the lives of people.

Quantity VS Quality

quantity quality

Do videos published per day have the same quality as weekly video ? Honestly, it’s not possible. But when you have 7 times more videos in you Youtube channel, it has tremendously more strength and values than some 4K videos.

Sometimes a 4K video can have more impact than 10,000 video in average quality, but it’s just « one shot » as won at the Lotto. And you know that the majority of people who win the Lotto are ruined a few years later.

What about you

what about you morpheus

Yeah, what about you ? I mean, what are you doing in your life that works ? Could you do this more often so that it brings more value to yourself and to the world ?

For exemple, imagine that you like to write and you write 200 words once a week to create your book. Could you increase that to 400 words or write twice a week or write 400 words twice a week ?

Another example, you do sport once a week and it really good for you. Could you increase it twice a week ?

In the comments, I would like you to answer this question : « If you put in place a plan for you to do something that works consistently and regularly, what can it bring as happiness or as value in your life ?

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