Non Constructive Criticism

non constructive criticism negative comment

I watched an Olivier Roland’s video  and I learned good stuff.

These are comments that published regularly on social media. What is the difference between non-constructive criticism and constructive criticism ? Ask yourself this question : « Does this criticism have the will to help me ? ». If you don’t feel the will to help you, it’s like 95% of critics, it’s someone who criticizes just to criticize. These non-constructive criticisms based on an extremely superficial analysis of your content.

These people read the first 5 lines of an article, listen to the first 2 minutes of a podcast, watch the 2 first minutes of a video or read only the title.

When you publish content on internet, you’ll have people who will afford advice on what you do when they haven’t taken time to really understand, to analyze what you mean. It’s known that in communication there is an huge loss of the message’s meaning between what you mean, what you say, what people hear, what people understand and what people remember.

There is also an important factor is that in all areas, beginners have an opinion on everything and they say it. Does this give them a false sense of competence on topics they don’t master ? Yes, it’s ego on my opinion.

To be honest, it has happend to me to comment on something that I didn’t take time to analyze deeply. I gave my opinion based on an extremely superficial analysis and we all have already do it. Just understand that this is a normal human behavior and that it’s not a problem.

Attention, it’s not necesssary to remove these comments because they will never disappear. The goal is to reach enough people who understand your message and practice your advice.

1000 real fans

1000 fans

To succeed on internet, you only need to have 1000 real fans. It means people who understand what you say, who agree with what you say, who like your content, who share and who buy your products. You can have 1 million people who hate you, if you have 1000 real fans, that’s enough.

Many people are afraid of negative comments and that’s a shame. Imagine yourself in 10 years. You talk to a person and you explain to him/her that 10 years ago, you had a blog, a podcast or a Youtube channel and that you stopped it because of a negative comment that touched you. Think about that, do you realize how ridiculous it is ? So continue to create content on internet.

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2 thoughts on “Non Constructive Criticism”

  1. This is an interesting article. 1000 real fans? I think I might be able to achieve that. I’ve been blogging for almost 8 years now, and all my contents are non-commercial. I received some negative comments too, but usually I will just ignore them. I write just because I want to share the lessons I learned in life, not because I want to be famous or earn money from it. Btw I think you have an interesting view about life. I love the way you write (your English are great too, better than mine). So I hope you will write more and just ignore the negative comments.

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