Shred Or Not Shred


That’s one week that I wonder if I’m going to be shred this summer. By returning the matter in all directions, I made a decision. No, my body fat is now 8%, I’m going to gain muscle and have more definition. It’s true that I told several people I was going to be shred and I apologize. I had already made it last year, it was difficult but it went well but body had to stop his progress for a while, this is normal.

It’s been since August 2015 I changed of gym and really with the equipment I have more opportunities to train with an arm or a leg to improve my symmetry. I want to balance my muscles of my right side and my left side, I want to work more on aesthetics. I’ll keep my 8% body fat because it’s enough to continue my training which changes every two months and gain muscle.

asymetric body

This year,I’m not shred to sculpt my body for summer 2017. It’s clear that next year my body will be much better. I would take the decision in February 2017 because there is a competition in May in my area. It’s always good to keep an eye on local athletes to stay motivated.

You know that athletes train for years for competitions for years, this is why I must be focus in training because each reps count. It also costs money, it’s like going on a trip on weekend, there are a lot of unforeseen expense. This is why when you get decides to go, it’s serious.

Now my goal is set, train non-stop. And you will be shred this summer ?



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