
Biceps Tendon Rupture

I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and I learned good stuff. Rupture or tear of the biceps long head is the serious injury the most frequent in sport This injury usually appears on a muscle weakened by tendinitis caused by a sudden movement of the arm. Sudden arm movements are usually thrown […]

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Lat Pulldowns

I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and I learned good stuff. Sitting in front of the machine with your legs rigged. Take the bar with a pronated grip and your hands very apart: Inhale and pull the bar down to your upper chest by pulling out your chest and bringing your elbows

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How To Do Reverse Chin-Ups

I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and I learned good stuff. Hanging at the fixed bar with your hands apart with a supinated grip : Inhale and pulls by pulling out your chest to bring your chin almost to the level of the bar Exhale at the end of the movement Return to

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How To Do Chin-Ups

I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and I learned good stuff. In suspension at the fixed bar with your hands apart with a pronated grip: Inhale and pulls to bring your chest almost to the level of the bar Exhale at the end of the movement Return to the starting position by

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Barbell Pullovers

I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and I learned good stuff. Arms stretched with the barbell with a pronated grip. Your arms spread to your shoulders width: Inhale as much as possible and lower the barbell behind your head by slightly bend your elbows. Exhale returning to the starting position This exercise

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Dumbbell Pullovers

I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and I learned good stuff. Lying on a bench with your feet on the ground. You take a dumbbell with both hands and your arms outstretched. The dumbbell is on your palms and your thumbs and forefingers encircling the handle: Inhale and lower the dumbbell behind

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Cable Crossover Flys

I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and I learned good stuff. Stand with your legs slightly apart and your torso in little inclined. Your arms spread with your elbows slightly bent on the pads and a handle in each hand : Inhale and tightens your arms to bring the handles in contact Exhale

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Pec Deck Flys

I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and I learned good stuff. Sitting on the machine with your arms spread horizontally. Your elbows are bent on the pads with your forearms and wrist released : Inhale and tighten your arms to the maximum Exhale at the end of the movement This exercise works the

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