The Dark Side Of Bodybuilding

matrix architect

I lost a little bit my motivation to do a competition after seeing a Frederick Delavier’s video about competitions Bodybuilding (video in French) . I told you that in 2018, I would do a competition in Men’s Fitness and I was a little disturbed.

Frederic Delavier speaks with his friend Michael Gundill (a friend with he wrote several book about exercise) on the bodybuilding’s excesses . 


Synthetic testosterone that makes the body stop to product natural testosterone, which is a big problem for sex (impotence); increased aggressiveness (roid rage) but bodybuilders are bad in street fight; Internal organs are increasing causes of growth hormones (prostate becomes so big that it prevents you from peeing); Hairs grows on the back or have the mustache for women; Increase ligaments and cartilage, which decrease flexibility; etc.


Decreased libido; decreased sperm production; The bodyfat percentage is so low that it stop libido because the body thinks there is a famine. Excess testosterone in the body is converted into estrogen (female sex hormones) which makes it more sensitive (cry watching a romantic movie); etc.


Steroids are very expensive and a bodybuilder can spend $ 1000 per week for food. If the bodybuilder doesn’t work or hasn’t his own business as a personal trainer or another, he can do gay prostitution even if he isn’t gay. Find a « Sugar Daddy » who pays him in exchange for some services. There are also pay-sessions with the webcam. I wrote an article on the subject . The Gulf countries are the new destination for this kind of thing.

The conclusion of this video is to do the difference between training and competition. It’s really two different things ! Competition is entertainment like seeing a rock concert, rap or music. Because seriously, musical artists, usually, they have a shitty life with a lot of drugs, but we like their music and concerts and everyone don’t cares about artists’s health ! Bodybuilding competitions is the same.

bodybuilder natural vs steroid

This is why I wondered if it was a good idea to do this competition because I don’t take steroids. I never have a hyper shredded and muscular physique like those who take steroids and I would be next to them on stage. But I remembered the article I had written about the competition I’m going to do. I don’t do the competition to win a medal. I do the competition because it’s my challenge, I want to see how my body can naturally evolve and to promote my blog too.

Jay Cutler had said that bodybuilders were too muscular for their bodies. It’s like being obese but instead of fat, it’s muscle. My challenge isn’t to have the buzz, it’s to show to my offspring how they can have a muscular and healthy body. This is a part of my legacy. If other person found my advice interesting, it’s cool but my priority is to build my legacy.

The matrix is here to entertain you and make you forget the truth !

And you ? What do you think of bodybuilding competitions ?


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