Mass Or Weight Gainers Are Useless

mass weight gainer

I watched a Jamcore DZ’s video  and I learned good stuff.

Mass or weight gainers are visual scams. Here the reason. You think you gain muscle because you bulk up but the truth is that you gain water and fat.




Gainer’s dose are huge, it’s between 170gr and 250gr of powder. 250 gr of powder in water, it’s too weird !?! Let’s look at the powder’s composition. There is maltodextrin, the cheapest sugar in the business. Take it before, during and after the training session with dextrose is good to recover and recharge your glycogen stock. The problem is when you take gainer outside the training phase, you gain fat.

If you’re an endomorph, someone who gains easily fat, you’ll not improve your body, you’ll worsen your situation.


Most gainers have between 46 % and 66 % of maltodextrin. Some even 80gr per dose ! It’s crazy.

Most people think they’ll gain muscle with this kind of product. They go in a shop, the seller their advice this and it’s gone. The truth is that you have to educate yourself, eat healthy, be focused on training and have patience. It takes several years to have muscle mass of good quality.

There is also a mix of whey protein. Thus, casein, concentrate, isolate and a little be hydrolysate to make people believe that the gainer is good quality. There is also creatine and the disadvantage of creatine is that it makes you retain water. That means when you think you gain muscle, in fact you do water retention. You look good in front of your mirror but when you dry or you stop to take gainer, you realize that you have less muscle mass than you thought. You deflate like a balloon, pffffffff.

We must stop delirious ! Track your food, track your training program,struggle like everyone els and be patient, it’s the only way to gain muscle mass of good quality.

Jamcore DZ (Jamo Nezzar ) is a former professional bodybuilder (IFBB). Even taking steroids, he took 8-9 years to gain 25kg (55lbs) of muscle. The problem with steroids is that destroy your organs and when you stop, you spend the rest of your life doing hormone therapies if you’re still alive. And it costs a lot of money, you can check it on internet.

I tell you already, all the pros or youtubers that you admire will not be there is 5 years. I’m telling you this because I’ve already won bets.


Each meal of the day must be between 400kcal and 600kcal. If you eat more than 1500kcal per meal, you’ll gain fat. With gainer you gain fat without knowing it.

Healthy gainer recipe

  • Whey isolate

  • Oatmeal => 1/2 cup  (slow carb, fiber)

  • Banana

  • Almond/Peanut butter => 1 tablespoon or coco oil (good lipid) or linseed

Mix it with water or organic milk or coconut/almond milk

healty mass weight gainer

Whey isolate is 25gr of protein, oatmeal is 16gr of protein and peanut butter is 10gr of protein. Total => 51gr of protein. You save money and you eat great source of protein.

I hope I convinced you to not take weight or mass gainer !

What was your experience with mass/weight gainer ?

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2 thoughts on “Mass Or Weight Gainers Are Useless”

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