Have Ideas To Create Content


I watched an Olivier Roland’s video  and I learned good stuff.

The most important thing : Write your ideas

When you have an idea, you write this idea right away in your notebook or in your smartphone (I advise you Evernote ).

Look at how it was when I didn’t take notes for my ideas. Boom, I have a great ideas. I tell myself : « Don’t worry Stephane, this idea is amazing, I’ll never forget it ! ». The next day, I wake up and I know I had a great idea but I forgot what it was. Do you know that, right ? This is why writing your ideas is very imporant.

Learn about your passion


What I do to have several ideas a day, it’s first to create content about a passion. Talk about a topic you’re passionate about automatically gives you ideas. Read a lot and watch a lot of videos about a topic you’re passionate about. Having discussions with people who share the same passion as you and participate in training to develop your passion.

Others places to work

different environment

Travel or go to different places in your city (university, park, library, railway station, airport). Being in an other landscape or an other environment (calm/dynamic) is inspiring, it opens the mind.

To ask questions

ask question

Ask questions to others. By exemple you can ask this question to one of your friends : «  Imagine that I can write an article on anything. What would you want ? ». The answer will give you several ideas.

With these tips, you’ll have more ideas in your notebook that time to write article or create content. This is so cool.

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