I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and I learned good stuff.
In bodybuilding, having a bad neck’s position during an exercise can create neuralgia.
These neuralgias are numbness of the arm with tingling.
These sensations arrive a few days after doing exercise like dips, pec deck rear deltoid lateral, squat and deadlift. The cause is that the exercises were done with the neck extension, head back.
The truth is that the head back’s position triggers spasms and contractions of the deep muscles of the neck, which creates compression of the spinal nerves at their exit from the cervical vertebrae.
This compression creates a neuralgia that usually affects the brachia plexus around the vertebrae C4, C5, C6, C7, C8 et T1 (C for cervical and T for thoracic).
Do dips or pec deck rear deltoid lateal with head forward by bringing your chin to your chest. This avoids these neuralgias.
Do deadlift or squat with your head straight (neutral position) looking forward. This avoids these neuralgias.
If the neuralgia installed, it’s important to stop any exercise with the head back (neck extension).
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