I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and I learned good stuff.
Face to the ground with your arms stretched and spread to your shoulder’s width (or little more). Your feet tight or slightly apart :
Inhale and bend your arms to lower your torso to the ground without arching your back.
Push up to the extension of your arms and exhale at the end of the movement.
This exercise mainly works the major pectoalis and a little bit triceps. You can do this exercise everywhere.
You can change the inclination of your torso :
Elevate feet work the upper part of the pectoralis major
Elevate torso work the lower part of the pectoralis major
You can change the gap of your hands :
Hands with a wide gap work the outer part of the pectoralis major
Hands with a closed gap work the sternal part of the pectoralis major
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