
bridge anatomy

I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and I learned good stuff.

bridge anatomy

Lie on your back with your hands flat on the floor. Your arms along your body with your knees bent :

  • Inhale and lift your buttocks from the floor by pushing hard on your feet

  • Maintain the position 2 seconds and go down your pelvis without touching the floor.

  • Exhale and start again.

This exercise mainly works hamstrings and gluteus maximus.

This movement is to be done with sets of high reps because the goal is to feel the contraction at the end of every repetition.


Easy and effective, this exercise is very popular in aerobics classes.


Bench bridge :

bench bridge anatomy

Lie on your back with your hands flat on the floor. Your arms along your body with your thighs vertical and your feet on the bench :

  • Inhale and lift your buttocks from the floor by pushing hard on your feet

  • Maintain the position 2 seconds and go down your pelvis without touching the floor.

  • Exhale and start again.

This exercise works gluteus maximus and especially hamstrings because hamstrings works more here than bridge on the floor.

This movement is to be done slowly, the main thing is to feel the muscles contraction. Sets of 10 to 15 reps give better results.

With calves on the bench, you’ll work even more intensely your harmstings with gastrocnemius muscles.

You can also do this movement with a small amplitude without touch your buttocks on the floor and looking for the burning sensation.

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