Trick To Have Really More Energy


What’s up? This is The Stephane ANDRE !!! I watched an Olivier Roland’s video  and I learned some good stuff.

Often, during the day, we have a loss of energy. There is a trick I learned at my first karate class when I was 6 years old- At each class, our Sensei (teacher) taught us how to breathe. There are 2 types of breaths :

Breathing with the upper body

This is the breathing that most people do. We can see when a person breathes from the top of the body because the shoulders rise for each inhalation. This type of breathing is not good because it reduces the energy and well-being.

Diaphragmatic (abdominal ) breathing

diaphragmatic breathing

It’s diaphragmatic breathing. For simplicity, it’s abdominal breathing. This type of deep breathing helps to calm down. These also improve your well-being, increase your performance and energy.

There are several scientific studies show the beneficial effects of diaphragmatic breathing. Scientific study Aa , Bb , Cc , Dd , Ee . Athletes, singers, public speakers and people who practice meditation and yoga use it.

Try during these next days to identify what type of breathing you do. You can put a reminder on your smartphone to help you to practice it. It takes several days to create this new habit. The principle is that every time you realize that you’re breathing from the top, change it. Use abdominal breathing. You’ll notice that you feel much better with a better state of mind.

The idea is that you’re more used to breathing with the diaphragm to have more energy in the day.


If you want to know more about breathing, there is an excellent guide from Groom and Style. It explains:

  • Why people have improper breathing.
  • How proper breathing helps to manage stress.
  • The difference between mouth breathing and nasal breathing.
  • Four breathing techniques.
  • And more.

If you want to improve your breathing and your well-being, click here.

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