What’s up ? This is THE stephane ANDRE !!! I watched an Olivier Roland’s video and I learned some good stuff.
There is a simple trick to create your internet company. This trick allows you to have the sweetest change possible between your school/job and your job as an entrepreneur. This trick is to consider your company as an experience.
See your internet company as an experiment modifies your state of mind. Here’s how you see your company with this state of mind :
- Your life isn’t wasted if you can’t create a profitable company to live the live of your dreams.
- Creating a internet company doesn’t demand a large amount of resources. You don’t need to make a huge investments and spend a lot of money. Before increasing your expenses, you have to decrease your uncertainty by having a product or service that clients buy regularly. Once you have your 1000 loyal clients, you can go to the next step. Here is an article I wrote to have 1000 loyal clients, click here ].
- The best situation is to create and develop your internet company next to your school/job. I advise you to take measured risks, evolve with baby steps and make changes smoothly. With this strategy, you’re not afraid to start. For me, stopping your school/job to create your internet company isn’t a good strategy because if this company doesn’t work, you will not have the opportunity to create another later. It’s extremely rare for a person to start a company that works really well the first time.
You know, there’s a secret to not bieng afraid to start an internet company. It’s to create a project that really motivates you. A project that makes you want to work on it, a project that is so rewarding that you no longer want to play video games or watch videos (Youtube, Netflix, etc).
With this mindset of considering internet company’s creation as an experience, it allows you to learn a lot of things. It doesn’t matter whether the company working or not, because you’re learning new things about yourself, human relations and entrepreneurship.
When you start an internet company, it’s important that you achieve several goals. Here are the goals of my blog :
- Motivate me to have an athlete body like Men’s Physique.
- If I can’t make this blog a profitable internet company, I know that everything I learned in the creation and development of this blog is interesting knowledge that I could apply in a new internet company.
- Create a community around this idea of doing sports to be healthy mentally and physically.
- Make this blog a profitable internet company.
Having a list of several goals is great because if you fail 1-2 of these goals, you still have the opportunity to achieve the goals that remain.
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P.S. If you’re in Miami and you like Caribbean food, go to my cousin’s bistro to eat Haitian food, click here.