There is a The Family’s video of Hugo Amsellem (french)about blog content that I find excellent and I want to share this with you.
When we have a passion, we can create content and the smallest step to create content, it’s a blog. But most people have excuses. Here are 4 excuses :
Nobody will read what I write – Obviously, at the beginning there will be nobody and it’s normal. Understand that the first audience, it’s you. Then there are your family and friends who will perhaps share some of your articles. Blogs have started in 1995 and they had no social networks. They were compelled to share theirs articles by email to friends and they managed to have millions of subscribers.
Having an audience is secondary – Doesn’t consider an audience as a reward for creating content. You must create content regularly because you love doing it. You have to love to write for yourself. Have the largest number of subscribers or followers isn’t a reward.
Expresse yourself – In our society there is very little time when we can really express ourselves. Except when we take a photo on Instragram to show our life, perhaps. With a blog, you can release a creation potential, it’s worth.
Write – Write a blog about an industry, a subject or a passion, it’s the first step of entrepreneurship. This helps to organize ideas and thoughts. We have full of ideas all the time, we get a lot of output that gives us ideas. If we keep these ideas, they will not give a place to new ideas and that’s what kills creativity. Expressing these ideas regularly allows you to be more creative. Creativity is the key to entrepreneurship.
I write badly – Seth Godin himself says that early in his blog, he was bad. Now he writes bestsellers and this is one of the most respected people in marketing. To reach that level, he disciplined himself to write one article per day, no matter if it’s 2 lines or 10 pages. Articles by articles, he became better from day to day. We must realize that all superstars, at the beginning, were bad in their field. Good writing from bad writing. People who are born with a talent for writing are in art or literature schools, these aren’t people who want to start a business. As Seth Godin says :, « The first draft is always exist and no one started with something other than a bad draft thinking – what am I going to say ? ».
Spelling mistakes – It’s not an excuse because now there are brilliant spell checkers. People consume content so that when they find great content with a few mistakes, it’s okay. Are you dyslexic ? You have no excuse, do it.
Courage – When we publish an article on a blog or elsewhere, we must be told who we are authentically. When we’re genuine, we put ourselves naked. Writing is the organic extension of ourselves. The word courage comes from the Latin phrase heart and courage, originally meant : « Tell who you are with your heart in your hand ». So when we start, we are bad and we must remember it because no one has started already good.
And you ? What prevents you to create content ?
To read the Part 2, click here