
Cable Back Kicks

I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and I learned good stuff. Standing in front of the machine with your hands on the handle. Your pelvis tilted forward. You’re standing on one leg and the other connected to the low pulley : Tilt your pelvis forward Bring your leg back The extension of the […]

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Dumbbell Lunges

I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and I learned good stuff. Standing with your legs slightly apart and with a dumbbell in each hand : Inhale and take a big step forward by keeping your torso as straight as possible. During exercise, the thigh of the leg that is moving forward must stabilize

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I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and I learned good stuff. Standing with your legs slightly apart with the barbell behind your neck on trapezius muscles : Inhale and take a big step forward by keeping your core as straight as possible. During exercise, the thigh of the leg that is moving forward

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