How To Plagiarize Others Smartly

plagiarism plagiarize

I watched an Olivier Roland’s video  and there is good stuff.

Plagiarize others smartly without copy what they do but have an efficient inspiration. It’s possible copying something people don’t think about.

Olivier Roland talked with a youtuber and this youtuber told him he has completely plagiarized Casey Neistat. Casey Neistat  is a famous youtubers with more than 80 millions views. The truth is this guy copied the video’s structure of Casey Neistat. The thing is copy the sturcture of something that works and not the content.

Star Wars

star wars

You know Star Wars of George Lucas, these films are famous but George Lucas copied a structure. Joseph Campbell wrote a book called « The hero with a thousand faces ».

In this book, Joseph Campbell analyzed a dozen of myths around the world. Old myths we still hear today. He did it for several reasons. First, for him if there myths with thousands of years are still told today, there is a natural selection for myths. Only myths interesting to the human mind have survived. Second, if we analyze myths from Africa, Europe, oceania, asia, america, etc, we can find the common point they have. Joseph Campbell found what he call the « monomyth ». It’s a narrative structure in stories that talk deeply to human mind in a universal way.

When George Lucas discovered the Joseph Campbell’s work, he had already begun to write Star Wars but it was a revelation and he rewrote a big part of the scenario following exactly the Joseph Campbell’s sturcture. There is a lot of movie and books that use this structure like Matrix. It’s funny to compare the structure of Star Wars and Matrix with the monomyth’s structure.



It’s always smart to copy structures that work. When you see something that work don’t look the content as 90 % of people do, try to analyze the structure. In which order the content is presented, what rhythm, what type of interruption, etc.

Olivier Roland did improvisational theater for 3 years. The concept is to ask to spectators a subject and create a story with this subject. It’s not easy but every story has the same structure so just take the subject and tell it with this structure. Improvise the content without improvising the structure, it’s cool.

This is the monomyth of Joseph Campbell :

  1. A hero receive a call to adventure. In Star Wars episode 4, it’s 2 droids that have a message from the princess Leia to Luke.

  2. The hero refuses the call to adventure by this way we can be more connected with him/her. We appreciate him/her because he/she like everybody. He/she is not really courageous. A hero is someone who become a hero. In Star Wars episode 4, Luke doesn’t really refuse. It’s his uncle and aunt who tell him to stay at the farm.

  3. A trigger will encourage the hero to accept the call of adventure. For Luke, it’s his family that gets killed.

  4. During the trip, there is a lot of problems, incidents and the hero will meet people who help him/her. Typically there is as archetype the old sage, the princess, etc. There are also enemies who will put the hero to the test.

  5. At the end, the great confrontation with the wicked.

Here is the structure of all classic stories. Braveheart has the same structure. You can watch a youtuber and try to understand the video’s structure. It isn’t easy to do reverse engineering because we aren’t used to doing it. We don’t think about it but you have to know that the structure make at least half of the success of something.

We can copy at 100 % a structure. It can make at least half of the success without anyone noticing it and without ethical problems because a structure is a method. It’s cool, right ?

Use it for you

use it

What do you want to succeed absolutely in your life ? Who reached these goals and what method he/she used ? What is the structure of this method ? These questions can help you to discover a key for your success. You can find the sources that allowed this person to have this structure. It’s so interesting to find inspirations of people who inspire us.

What structure did you find ?


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