FAQ Food (Part 2)

faq food

Eat healthy

eat healthy

« Okay, I eat fewer calories but now I’m hungry all the time because I decrease half of my food »

Reduce the number of calories is a good start to lose weight and I also believe in the quality of calories. Your body isn’t going to treat every calorie in the same way : eat vegetables, healthy fats and proteins will have different results in your body than cookies, cakes and junk food.

If you want to eat less calories you need to eat food that fills your belly without a ton of calories.

Chicken, steak and fish and other protein sources can help you fill your belly without increasing calorie intake.

The same goes for the vegetables : you can eat a big plate of vegetables and chicken, it will be a fraction of calories compared to a large soda, chips, french fries or candy.

If you don’t like counting your calories every day, you can focus only on real food as a strategy to eat healthy.

« Eating more vegetables and protein ? But I read on websites that eating meat was wrong »

I’m not a vegetarian and I don’t advise this lifestyle. I believe that the meat can be a healthy part of the diet. But if you don’t eat meat, continue if you like. I can advise you a site for athletes who don’t eat meat .

« How many calories is too much ? »

If your goal is to lose weight, I recommend you to eat less than 100g of carbohydrates per day and you focus on carbohydrates from vegetables. Depending of your training intensity, this number can be increased or decreased.

« If I keep my carbohydrates less than 100g per day, what else can I eat more ? »

Many healthy fat (avocado, almond butter, peanut butter, nuts, olive oil, coconut oil) and protein.

« I thought fat was bad »

No, fat is not bad for thousands of years. Eating fat doesn’t make you gain weight like food with cholesterol. The real enemy ? Matrix with sugar and processed and refined food !

You want to lose weight now ? Removes sugar from your diet. No more sodas.

« I know I need to eat more vegetables but I will not give up the foods I love. And I like sugar »

Eating healthy as often as you can and then for a few meals a week, eat what you want. See how your body changes for several weeks and make adjustments. Give up nothing permanently but begins to limit junk food. And sugar is what we destroy the most.

« And if I don’t like the taste of vegetables ? »

That’s cool, try grilled asparagus, zucchini, broccoli or vegetables cooked with a wok. There are several vegetables and many ways to cook vegetables. Find what is good for you.

Make permanent changes

make perment change

In order to not more complicate, the main points are :

  • Try to eat protein with every meal

  • Vegetables are your friends. Except corn,it’s an enemy !

  • Fat is your friend ! Liquid calories, particularly sugar, are your enemies.

  • Make changes with which you can live with.

We all try to make more healthy decisions every week. If last week you made zero healthy decision and this week you made one healthy decision, « congratulations », your average week is now heathier than laste week.

No matter your situation, begins today. Now that you understand how to eat better, you can increase the difficulty and make more healthy decisions every week to accelerate the speed of your body transformation.

Little by little, your average healthy decisions becomes less little !

This is the last part, I hope this helped you. Another question ?


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