Good Use Of Book Information


I watched an Olivier Roland’s video  and I learned good stuff.

I bought a lot of books to learn new skills but sincerely, there is little that I have put in place concretely in my life. I took notes, made summaries but it was alwys theoretical.

Here another way to take notes. It has nothing to do with taking the maximum information from the book but rather taking as much information as possible to use it effectively in our lives as quickly as possible.

That things be clear, I don’t talk about science fiction books but practical books that teach us to have a new skill.

A pratical book allows us to take action more effectively than if we hadn’t read the book.

Of course by reading we’ll take notes but we’ll not take notes like at school. We’ll highlight actions we can put in place today in our lives.

Study Case

study case

At this momet I’m reading a book about Tai-Chi. I’m learning to meditate and for years I have been pacticing martial arts so Tai-Chi is perfect for me. Each time that I see an action that I can use today in my life, I put the infomation in highlight. I put this information in uppercase, bold, underlined or in a different color. By this way I’ll read my notes later, this information will jump to my eyes.

We can take notes to have theoretical knowledge, there is no problem.

Once we’ll finish the book when we’ll read back our notes, we can immediately see actions we can use in our lives. The concepts is to choose actions that are the simplest and the fastest to set up in our lives.

Baby step

baby step

The best strategy to start is to take only one action. This action is the most interesting and the easiest to set up in your life.

The problem that we have to use book’s information, it’s that we are too ambitious in the first step. We want realize great things in the first step so we don’t have the experience yet.

To avoid falling into this trap and be disappointed, imagine that your evolution is like baby steps. Choose an interesting and easy action to set up in your life today. It’s today that your work on it and not tomorrow or after tomorrow. By this way, you can immdiately adjust this action to improve it step by step.

What is the most ambitious action you wanted to do right after reading a book ?


P.S. Do you want free training program ? Click here 

Smartphone apps :

To track my calories, I use MyFitnessPal 

To track my training program, I use Jefit 

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