Restart it’s cool


When you start a video-games, your first character is weak. His level increase slowly, his statistics are rotten, he dies too often especially against the bosses.

But when you start again the video games with a new character, his level increase faster, you understand the controls, you understand how the video games work. You play more easily.

Have better physics is the same. When you try to have better physique and you fail, you learn a little more how your body works. Example, with the strategy A you lost weight and with strategy B you failed. You go to the gym for 2 months and you give up. When you return to the gym, you already will know the equipments and get less afraid to do exercises in a public place.

In fact, every time you restart, you get closer to your goal (forget haters).

How to restart

restart android

Separate yourself from your old you. Today, you’re a different person. Bad decisions you took yesterday doesn’t interest me, it’s the old you. Instead say to yourself : « I will fail again », you can think that today nothing can prevent you from reaching your goal to have a better health and a better physique.

The power of your will. Use the « new me » to your avantage while this week to make changes that can help you on the long-term.

  • Sign up for a gym with 50 personal trainer sessions

  • Sign up at a Dojo for martial arts

  • This week you can throw all the junk food in your kitchen and buy healthy food.

  • You can buy new clothes for training

  • You can schedule all your training sessions in your smartphone calendar.

  • You can do one thing for 10 days as a walk of 1km (or 1mile) every morning.

Fails differently. Now these changes don’t perhaps be the changes that work and this is normal. What is important is that you try to change this time differently. If you do what you’ve always done, you will always have the same results. So try something different and adapt. Make a blog for your results or track your calories with a smartphone’s app.

restart apple

Change one thing and don’t seek perfection, progress to be a better version of yourself.


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