Scientific References 

scientific studies

I watched an Olivier Roland’s video  and there is good stuff.

For me, to have to have interesting content for my audience, scientific references are important. It’s imporant because I learn something and you too.

And another reason is I like some much Wikipedia  than I want to do something like this.

My content is based on scientific reference for 2 reasons :

  • In general, scientists do a good job. It doesn’t means that all they do is perfect. Somethimes there are scientific studies that are criticized years later as for planet Pluton. But it’s better than non-scientific studies to see what work and not.

  • It’s a reservoir of unexploited information and knowledge. Especially in the field of internet companies that sell content or information.

Use scientific reference allow you to give more relevent information. Look in personal development industry, a lot of companies don’t use scientific reference and it’s a shame because the day when they discover that they’re wrong, everyone will say they’re liars.



You can PubMed , it’ss a great website with a huge number of scientific studies about health.

You can use Google or DuckDuckGo , these search engine can also help you to find it.

When you read books, there are scientific references. Go to see these scientific references and share them with your audience with an article or a video.


When I want scientific references about weight loss, I use a search engine and I type : « weight loss scientific study » and I read several scientific studies about it.

In search results, there is often newspaper articles than summarize the scientific study. After you read the newspaper article, it’s cool to read the source when the scientific reference is in the article. In a scientific study, read the abstract (a summary), introduction and conclusion is enough to understand if you don’t have the time.

Share methods or techniques based on scientific studies is better than something based on a wrong belief.

Do you think scientific studies are good to share knowledge ?


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