The Key To Have Success

key of success

I watched an Olivier Roland’s video  and I learned good stuff.

The key of success in any field is something everyone is looking for. I’ve been looking for this and I think you too.

There is a quote to find the key. It’s a quote from Sir William Olser , the father of modern medicine Here is his quote : «  The very first step towards success in any occupation is to become interested in it ».

I think you had the same reaction as me when you read the quote : « Yes, it’s obvious ». Yet if Sir William Olser said that, it was because he noticed that people around him didn’t follow this principle.

Be interested in

be interested in

Now look around you. I’m sure that in your friends group, there are people who want to earn more money or be rich ? Are these people really interested in knowing how to earn more money effectively ? In my case, I am the only one.

Oh another thing. I’m sure that in your friends group, there are people who want to be happy ? Are these people really interested in knowing how to be happy effectively ? In my case I am the one.

In my friends group, there are people who want to be happy and rich but that’s just words. And when I tell them what I found they, often, tell me they already knew that. So I ask them : «  What do you know about that ? But why you don’t do it ? ». I don’t explain you the answer, you already know that.

The truth is, if people don’t do something, it’s because they’re not really interested in that . Everyone has different goals.

Long-term investment

long-tern investment

To be really interested, it’s to ask yourself questions, to look for information, to meet people who have reached the goal, to read books that will help you reach the goal, to meet people who have not yet reached the goal but which are in the same movements as you, etc.

Here’s the question I ask you. This question is the first step to your success : « What do you want to accomplish in your life and are you interested enough in it to succeed ? ».

For exemple, if you want to become a successful author, you need to learn. You need to learn and practice regularly and for a long time. You need to read books where successful authors share their advice. You need to follow trainings with successful authors. You need to be part of a group of authors on Facebook, etc. With internet, there is so much resource that you have no excuses. Success is a long-term investment.

Take a few hours on a quiet weekend to really think about what you want to accomplish in your life. Very often, these are things your parents don’t like but if you’re really interested you’ll prove them wrong with your success. Don’t forget, success is a long-term investment.

I have a friend in prison and the last time I saw him, he said to me : «  You know Stephane, the best revenge in life is success ».

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